jus civile การใช้
- The jus civile was combined with the " jus gentium " ( the law of nations ) to form the Corpus Juris Civilis, the body of Roman civil law.
- "Praetorian law ( " jus praetorium " ) is that which in the public interest the praetors have introduced in aid or supplementation or correction of the " jus civile ".
- Scaevola was the author of a treatise on civil law ( " Jus civile primus constituit generatim in libros decem et octo redigendo " ) that spanned 18 volumes, compiling and systematising legislation and precedents.
- In this work he points out the importance of the historical law ( Roman " jus civile " and English common law ) and he is very critical towards modern legislation and the idea that law can be the simple outcome of a political decision.
- In the time of Justinian a will founded partly on the " jus civile ", partly on the edict of the " praetor ", partly on imperial constitutions and so called " testamentum tripertitum ", was generally in use.
- His principal work is " De Verborum Quae ad Jus Civile Pertinent Significatione " ( 1559 ), a two-folio dictionary of Justinian legal terminology that saw 17 reeditions ( often much amended ) up until 1805 . " De Verborum " was the standard legal dictionary of the time, and for centuries remained an authoritative source for lexicographers.
- The expression " civil law " is a translation of Latin " jus civile ", or " citizens'law ", which was the late imperial term for its legal system, as opposed to the laws governing conquered peoples ( " jus gentium " ); hence, the Justinian code's title " Corpus Juris Civilis ".
- These laws, called the " jus gentium " ( as opposed to the " jus civile " governing interactions between citizens ) codified some ideas of basic fairness, and attributed some rules to an objective, independent " natural law . " These " jus gentium " ideas of fairness and natural law have survived and are reflected in modern international law.